15. Summary

● Greetings, and welcome to the quick fire FAQ part two, where we'll be answering in the quickest and most direct way possible some of the most frequently asked questions by online marketers as seen by us throughout our career. We've already looked at four questions and come up with some prolific solutions for them relating to other sections in this course. Let's continue and discuss the next six questions.

● Question number five. I don't have my own products, what can I sell? A good question that’s upon many peoples’ lips, even those in the early stages of developing their business, some of them haven't even decided they want to start a business.

● The simple answer to this question is if you don't have your own products, you're going to have a much harder time being a success online or offline. It's not impossible, just much harder. There's so much you have control of with your own products, from the raw promotion power and the additional resources to, tailoring your marketing to the product, and even tailoring your products to your marketing in some cases, things you can't do promoting other peoples stuff.

● If you're having problems coming up with new ideas, don't worry. It only takes one to be a success, which we know already can spawn several at a time.

● I wouldn't expect you to be able to come up with ideas immediately either because quite simply you can't solve problems relating to a subject that you don't know about. For this reason the longer you mix
with marketers, their products and your target market, the more you will learn, understand this and the better you will get.

● A good example of this is a conversation I had with a fellow marketer a few weeks back. He'd just written a mass of content and wanted to organize it in a particular way, but couldn't find an automated process or product to carry out this job effectively. A simple situation and product idea that only presented itself once involved in this particular market. Not something you'd pick out off the top of your head.

● So the answer to the question 'I don't have my own product, what can I sell?' is simply your own product. I wouldn't recommend going in any other direction if you're just starting out because of the power it gives you for future promotion.

● Question Six. I'm worried I won't succeed, or that people won't like my work. What do I do?

● Similar to the previous section where we talked about some of the experiences you may have as an online marketer, I think this question is actually pretty beneficial in some cases when looking at the quality of work carried out. However, under no circumstances should it stop you from progressing and moving forward with your business.

● There are three types of people out there. Type one, they don't particularly care about anything other than making a lot of money as quickly as they can. Unhealthy for them and their customers, we can't have shoddy products floating around out there.

● Type two, they're bothered about what people want out of a product, their reactions and so on. For this reason they make sure everything is
up to the highest standard possible before it's released in a quick efficient manner. The majority of good marketers have this mindset, but it's essential not to get stuck in a rut, caught up in something for many years when all it takes is a few months of work to make customers ecstatic.

● Type three is the marketer who wants everything to go smoothly but has a problem getting anything done because they're drawing on their past experiences too much. Learning from them is good, holding back because you're worried something bad might happen again is devastating. This type of fear needs to be faced and hit head on, which can be hard if you're personally attached to your business as many of us become over the years.

● The basic rule here is this. If you know in yourself that you've done your best, and the majority of customers are happy with your efforts, you know you've done a good job no matter what anyone says to you, if you're happy with it, and your customers are happy with it (aside from the odd inevitable time when you become a target for peoples frustrations) then deal with it, and move on, and move forward. This is a big key to success that no marketing guides seem to bring to the surface for one reason or another. It's all a part of this business, and any business that I've had the privilege to work on or as part of.

● This is totally in your hands now, I can't make you do anything from this end, so be aware of what you're doing all the time. Be aware of when you come up against an obstacle, conquer it, learn and move on, fast.

● Moving on to question number seven. How are people making 20k+ a month? I can't get near that figure. Another big question. There are so
many different aspects and ways to be successful, there isn't just one method or key to success. The one thing that they all have, however, is resources and leverage.

● The big thing that you'll find most of these people are missing is the leverage, and the man power. Next time someone asks you this question (if they never have, they more than likely will do in the future when you start launching your own products, especially in the marketing arena) ask them what they're doing to promote. E-zines will come the reply, guaranteed hits, hit exchanges. This isn't the way of the knowledgeable online marketer, they know better than this.

● This ties into earlier sections when we talked about doing things on your own. Let’s say that you've followed this guide to the letter so far, and will continue to do so through all of the manuals to the end. What do you have that these people with their paid ads and purchases don't have? It's the leverage. When you carry out such a system and start putting your feelers out, making contacts and pulling in affiliates, you're also bringing with you a heck of a lot of promotion power in terms of the number of people promoting for you.

● Let me ask you another question. If I were to tell you that you had to make twenty thousand a month, for example, and you have six months to achieve that status, but have to use standardized advertising methods. No joint ventures, no affiliates, no new contacts etc. How would you do it? More to the point would you want to do it in the first place, because when you look at how things should be done, it's far easier to understand why people fail and continue to fail, whilst those of us who understand this continue to succeed over and over.

● Let’s look at this another way. Imagine you're earning a thousand dollars per month through your promotion, at around five hours a day. Your target earnings are 30k a month. At your current level you would have to work 150 hours a day to reach that goal. That's why this is so important to understand because the numbers just don't add up to anything humanly possible by one single person.

● Just because it's your own business, it doesn't mean you're the only one that’s going to be promoting it. This my friends, is how the big guys make so much money, when mathematically, looking at it from a sole traders point of view, it looks almost impossible. I assure you, it's not. Understand this and you'll start to see why, and more importantly, how you can apply this to your business.

● Question Eight. You keep talking about joint ventures but I can't seem to score any, what gives? If you're having trouble pulling any joint ventures, the first thing that you need to be looking at is who you're contacting and what you're contacting them about.

● Many believe the answer to their business woes is to get a bunch of ads to the biggest names they can possibly get to. Problems arise from this method however. Let me explain.

● Imagine you were earning 20k a month quite happily and releasing your own products, have a good list of customers, affiliates and a standard list. This fact is widely known and you're a big name in internet marketing. With this comes a mass of joint venture proposals from people who want access to your valuable resources. All these people out there that see you earning all that cash, and think that if they get access to your list, they'll earn this cash too. This adds up to a lot of weekly mail and some often downright strange or uneducated
proposals. I'm not blaming them, but if guides stopped telling people to go after big names like that, they'd be far more successful.

● This is not the case at all, and when we speak about joint ventures, I'm definitely not advising you to go out there and pick every big earner out of the bag, contact them and try to get an ad to their list, because there are already so many people doing the same. So unless you have something under your belt in the way of resources and products already, it's not going to be easy to prove that you're going to be worth it. And at the end of the day, that’s what we're all doing.

● Don't worry though, all is not lost, and there’s a lot more potential out there than you may think. When we talked previously about subscribing to peoples lists as a first step in joint venture operations, we're talking about not just the biggest names that you know, but the ones where you're more likely to get a response and be noticed, simply because there aren't so many people vying for the same thing.

● That's not to say you're settling for second best, far from it. There have been plenty of sites that I've joined previously that display top affiliates, those that have the big targeted resources already built up to promote to, and throughout these names I come across some of the big guys. This is true, but it might surprise you to find out that at least ninety five percent of these top affiliates I've not heard of before.

● Keep this in mind and you'll score more joint ventures. Don't feel trapped or constrained to vying for the attention of all the big names, that's not how this works. There are far more people out there making tens of thousands of dollars per month, far more open to JV’s than the big guys, simply because they're not flooded with this stuff every day. That's not to say don't contact the big guys ever, but expect to have to
gather resources and prove yourself in a majority of cases to be valuable to them in the same way that they are to you.

● I won't lie to you, making contacts in the first place is the hardest part of this system, but again, this snowballs. One turns into two, turns into four, turns into twenty, turns into who knows how many. One joint venture doesn't mean one promotion. One joint venture means plus on long term contact, multiple two way promotions and a bunch more JV’s coming from that too which can only add to your resources.

● So you see, as far as joint ventures are concerned, it's only something you have to do heavily once or twice, because after this you're going to be the one people are searching out. If you put in the hard work now, and set up everything as we've said in this report, and build your resources at the same time, you may not be a millionaire in six months, but you're going to have a mighty good base of resources to start moving towards achieving your goals for your life and for your business. This is what this whole guide is based on, not making a small profit as quickly as you can, but building your resources as quickly and as effectively as you can, making your life of promotion a simple case of four e-mails and a few conversations for each product you launch.

● There’s one catch, and that is if you want that to happen to you later, there's a lot of leg work to be done now, which is probably not what many people want to hear, but I can't lie because otherwise everything we've talked about so far becomes irrelevant. The effect I'm really trying to put across in this report is that it doesn't have to be slow, it doesn't have to be hard, boring or expensive, but it will require effort, but trust me when I say, the result is worth it.

● Question nine. I'm not sure that creating my own products is for me, I just want to promote affiliate programs. How do I go about that? As you may have guessed the answer here is going to be very similar to the previous questions about not creating products. The answer is I would suggest that you don't go down the route of only promoting affiliate programs unless either of the following are true.

● I can understand how cool it must be to think about being able to just mail your list and rake in the cash without doing any additional work, but you're really selling yourself short if you go straight for this option.

● The two instances where this may be possible are, number one. You have already launched your own products in the past and already have a bunch of resources to promote to effectively, or have pulled in resources in some other manner that would be sufficient for promoting affiliate programs only.

● The second is through PPC niche marketing, where you use pay per click search engines to promote other peoples stuff. Even if you do decide to go down this route, it's far easier to have your own products under your belt because you already understand how everything works and can tailor your marketing through the experience you have gained making success much more readily available.

● If you've been told that it's as easy as plunging in a load of your cash for leads and hits and stuff, forget all that. It's just not true unless you're planning to spend many thousands which I don't see why anyone would, because there are plenty of faster, more effective ways to do this, with your own product. Have I sold you on that yet? Of course you could get into search engine marketing, but that’s something completely different.

● Finally for this section question ten. I've got all this information and knowledge, but where do I start? An understandable question, as when you're presented with new information, it's sometimes hard to find a clear starting point, even when we've put everything in order. Not because anyone is thick, but because this is natural with new information no matter what it is. Getting started is the hardest part.

● All businesses start with five things. First, an idea and a desire to develop that idea, the tools you need to do so, the preparation and groundwork to make it all possible and a market for your product.

● By far the best way to get started is with your ideas. This is all an idea forming process. Once you've formed an idea, no matter how small, or how irrelevant to your target market, the most important thing is you've started already. All that remains is to carry it through using the knowledge and experience you've gained. There's nothing more to it.

● Start with your ideas. The moment that idea pops into your head and you write it down, and begin to think about developing, you have started. You'll never have to wonder where to start again, because more often than not, when someone asks me 'Where do I start?' they follow it up with, 'I have this idea you see..'. They've answered their own question and started already without knowing it. It never fails to amaze me personally that people are capable of such great things, and creating something valuable and worthwhile out of nothing. Often they don't even realize they've done so. Once you know you've started it's easy to develop and continue as I'm sure you already know.

● So how do you get started? Well, the simple answer is, by asking that question, you've started already. Congrats on taking your first steps towards where you want to be.

● Ok, that's all for this section. We'll continue in the final part of the FAQ section with more questions.

continued to next post...
