Guided Meditation
Guided meditations are a good place to start your meditation practice. Whilst it is possible to guide yourself during the meditation process, the easiest guided meditations to follow are pre-recorded and all you have to do is sit back and listen.

A guided meditation will usually begin by taking you to a calm, quiet place. Some typical
places to start are:
· A large, peaceful garden with birdsong and sometimes a stream running through it
· A clearing in a forest, often with a babbling brook nearby
· A beach, with the sound of the sea lapping

Once you are in the quiet place, you will be guided to notice the sounds, smells and sensations that can be experienced in the chosen location. For instance, if you are in a garden or forest, you will probably be guided to notice the feel of the grass on your feet, possibly some dew on the grass. On the beach, you'll be guided to feel the warm sand in between your toes.

Then the meditation will gradually explore the surroundings, bringing in the other sensations that you would expect to experience.

If the guided meditation is partially based on hypnosis, it is possible that a hypnotic deepening routine will be used to drop you further down into your meditative state. This is usually done by taking you down a series of steps and counting the steps as you go. This technique is powerful and the deepening sensation can be used to heighten any meditation process that you perform.

You can find a range of guided meditations at

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